If the Federal government shut down continues, food stamp allocations will not be available as of March 1. As of November 2018,our organization opened a food pantry with monetary and food donations from families and friends. Our goal was to help offset the rising cost of groceries so house managers (lead staff) could continue to purchase fresh produce, high quality meats, etc. We have been able to spend approximately $10/resident/month for additional food since November. Should the shutdown continue, our organization's pantry cannot afford to pay the monthly fee for food for all LCKS recipients on food stamps. However, our pantry committee is working proactively to find food sources for those individuals who have no family or legal guardian who is responsible for the care of that individual. We are all assessed $150/month for food for each of our loved ones living in a LCKS group home. Many of our residents use food stamps to help with that fee. The $150/month has not increased for 10 years. If you are a family member or guardian who is responsible for the care of your loved one, your invoice will include the full $150 for food For example, our daughter receives food stamps to help cover her food cost each month. Between her resources and ours, we will be paying the full amount ($150) for her food each month as of March 1. If you are able, please make a donation to the FSO-LCKS for the food pantry. Our goal is to make sure our most vulnerable LCKS residents never experience a food shortage.